Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | display | software | multimedia software OCR: Crackers - Salt Of The Earth 01:03 Tio U CRACKERS SAL9 OF THE EARTH? B9 Phil994 / 650 Uio Uio Ufo Uio Uio The You know how it is, you're a poor old one day you're happily scanning trader/coder, aint got 2 Latest Lists on a board you often use Legal scene to obtain the Latest Legal warez and pennies to rub together, You spend 4 THRILL OF THE ||DECADE, there's your Months creating a commercial quality beautifully crafted yame, cracked and yame , slaving over the Amiga, coding, uploaded. and drawing the graphics, making the sound You try another board, You perhaps write your own token another, it's the same story. You know what's happened but you download disk protection and release -a DOS preview to advertise the game for say to check it all the same ... No Shit, C2.00 each. You get a few orders ist cracked to hell .. Bolloxt from yer mates on the scene and then Well that's exactly what happened to from the public via the PD Libraries, Great! A few quid to help with the My games Op. Firestorm and Giddy 2. BOTH costs of ger modem / mail trading, cracked and uploaded on the same day! I was not what you'd call dead chuffed. Music Print First Next EQ's Help Last Previous Index «